Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How do you pick?

I've been thinking alot about choices. What leads a person to pick one option over another.
The classes to take.
The friends to trust.
The clothes to wear.
The food to eat.
The shows to watch.
The job to take.
The person to marry.

and now in my world.
Where to get married.
Who's apart of the wedding.
What day to have it on.

Hawaii is looking better and better.

So many things I know I want to have or design ideas I'm drawn to but which are the correct choices? In life are there ever correct choices? Or just choices that lead you down one path or another.
~These are the days of my life.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Unclutterer

My fiancé named me the clutter-reducer a few months back. I can't help it! I just don't like piles of things lying around. Dirty laundry? Enough for a small load will be done now as opposed to later. Filth has no place in my life.

One of my best friends Erin has nailed it on the head. A few years ago my life was in shambles. The only thing I could and still can control is cleanliness and so I CLEAN. I'm not OCD about it... or at least I don't think I am but I suppose most OCD people don't see what they are doing as wrong.

I just believe that everything has its correct place and it should be there at ALL times. :-)

Now that I'm about to sink into the blissful state of wedding planning... (and yes all sarcasm) I have a feeling my life is about to clutter up around me like never before.

If you want, hang with me whole I endure this process!

Stay clean~ HUGS

Friday, March 13, 2009

What Gives You the Right?!

Things that annoy me right now...

People changing plans at the last minute even if they do have the best excuse ever... it's still annoying because you get your hopes all up and then they are smashed to the ground!

I know I have done this to people before (sorry Lindsey!) but still.

People that take advantage of their friends generosity.

I mean seriously don't they realize that the sympathy is going to go away and be replaced with animosity? Well it is, TRUST ME!

People who think its their business to tell everyone else about other peoples business.

Especially if its a sensitive subject and most of the time it isn't even accurate!!

Liars, cheaters, thieves, people who wear white socks with black shoes/ pants :)

The last one is a serious offense!

Judgemental people annoy the crap out of me. Let people live their lives. If you want to be a friend thats one thing but to look down on people because they aren't just like you or don't believe the exact same things you do or whatever the case might be is just down right disgusting!

It's liberating to know that I have friends that love me for me no matter what I may do in my spare time, no matter where I live or work. I love life and I believe in living it to the fullest so if you aren't ok with me then please stop reading! I don't like painting fake pictures even though they may look better to audience so kiss my ass and love me for me because I love everyone!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Random Survey

Random Survey About ME.

Bet you're missing someone now?Always

Last place you ate out.Chipotle

Have you ever been cheated on?Yes

Is anyone interested in you right now?Probably.

Do you get along with girls?Yes. Well most of the time.

Have you ever been given an engagement ring?Yes

Where does most of your family live?Nebraska is where my immediate family lives. Extended family -California.

Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?I had it pierced at one time and yes I’m thinking about doing it again.

Rent a movie or go to movies?I usually rent.

Are you happy with life?Yes.

Could you cry right now?No.

Is there anything that you are craving right now?Lunch!

What do you need to be doing right now?Going to lunch.

Whose house were you at last?Mine! Or my parents.

Do you wear a seat belt in the car?Eh. Most of the time.

Next vacation you're going on?Colorado!! Or Virginia.

Do you like to text or call more?Both but texting is easier I can multi task better.

Who did you last talk to on the phone?April

Where will you be in a hour?Hopefully on my way back to the office from lunch.

When was the last time you slow danced with a boy or a girl?Umm… probably 2 or so weeks ago.

How late did you stay up last night and why?1:30- or 2. I was texting and watching tv.

What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?Good friends

What are you doing tomorrow?Moving my stuff

What’s your hair look like today?Getting longer, with blonde and red chunky highlights in it and
curled layers.

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?Drama

Have you spoken to your mother today?No, did yesterday though.

When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?We were just texting on Blackberry Messenger 20 minutes ago.

Do you have something on your mind?I always have something on my mind.

Are you mad at anyone?No.

Ever snuck out?OH yeah only all of high school.

Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with J,F,R,Y,U,O,H,B or L?J- Yes, F- no, R- almost, Y- no, U- no, O-No, H-no, B- Yes, L-no

Where did you sleep last night?In my house

If you could change one thing about your life right now what would it be? There would be less stress.

How many times is A in your full name?2

What time was it two hours ago?10:36 am.

What were you doing then?Working, texting and talking to a co-worker about New Years.

What was the last thing you ate?Chocolate

What does your name mean?Fair One, Beautiful, White Wave

Do you know anyone else with your name?O yeah lots of Jennifer’s out there

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?Crawling out of bed unhappily.

Are you a jealous person?I hope not.

Are you tired right now?Yes

Do you wish you could see somebody right this second?No.

What are you listening to right now?Y 102

Are you trying to avoid some feeling at the moment?No.

What are you not looking forward to?Slow time at work

What did you do last night?Grilled out, talked and watched movies. Nice relaxing evening!